Two August Full Moons

Once in a Blue Moon lit up last night’s sky. Like everything in life, even though you may have been aware of its presence, you had to go looking for it. You had to actively participate in its being there.

I first went to my back yard, because it’s more isolated from neighborhood lights in the front. I couldn’t find the moon, so I had to go to the front lawn.

Over the corner of my garage’s roof, the moon was the brightest that I’ve ever seen. A circle of light around the moon appeared to widen the lens of light in the night sky. It was my imagination reset.

Blue Moon

Two moons this month

Sits on my roof corner

Biggest and brightest that I’ve seen


Author: William Peters

William Peters is a narrative poet who finds the occasional humor in growing old, past events, familiar objects, and even relationships. His poetry reads like a snapshot in time.